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Bolu’da Trafik Denetimi Sıklaştı

Bolu'da D-100 karayolunda trafik polisleri ihbarlı denetim gerçekleştirdi, kural ihlallerine ceza uygulandı.

Bolu’da Traffic Police Conducted Controlled Traffic Inspection

In Bolu, traffic police conducted a controlled traffic inspection at the city center exit of the D-100 highway.

The Bolu Provincial Security Directorate Regional Traffic Control Branch teams intensified their inspections at points where the City Security Management System (KGYS) cameras are not present on the D-100 highway. An enforcement point was established at the city’s exit towards Ankara direction by the teams. Controlled red light and seatbelt applications were carried out in areas where red light violations were intense. The teams waiting at the enforcement point applied punitive measures to drivers who violated the rules.

Tülay Soykan, who participated in the traffic inspection, said, “The fines are heavy. We follow the rules, if we don’t, the fines are heavy.” – BOLU